In a highly anticipated collaboration, actors Nirup Bhandari and Sai Kumar have joined forces for an upcoming project directed by Sachin Wali. The dynamic duo, known for their previous collaboration in the suspense thriller “Rangitaragan,” which catapulted Nirup Bhandari and his brother, director Anup Bhandri, to fame, is set to captivate audiences once again.
Taking to his Instagram page, Nirup Bhandari shared the exciting news, stating, “After Rangitaranga, working again with @officialsaikumar sir. Excited to share screen space with him. This time, we play father & son. Revealing the title and first look on 6th Feb.”
In a unique twist, after facing off against each other in “Rangitaranga,” Bhandari and Kumar will portray the roles of father and son for the first time in this yet-to-be-titled project. The film is touted as a comedy and family entertainer, with Sachin Basrur composing the music. Sandeep Valluri serves as the cinematographer, and Ullas Hydoor takes on the role of the art director. The film is currently in progress, with the shoot underway.
Notably, Nirup Bhandari is also part of Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar’s directorial project, which features Pruthvi Ambaar and Shanvi Srivastava in lead roles. This film, paying tribute to the 1997 blockbuster hit “America America,” directed by Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar, sees Nirup shooting pivotal sequences in Seattle. Having last appeared in the movie “Window Seat,” Nirup Bhandari continues to be selective in choosing scripts for his upcoming ventures.