A couple of days ago, writer Jeyamohan took aim at the recent Malayalam film, ‘Manjummel Boys,’ accusing it of containing socially unacceptable elements for Tamil audiences. In a blog post, he highlighted cultural differences in the film, triggering a backlash from fans and netizens on social media.
Tamil movie director Naveen Hidayath joined the conversation on Twitter, dismissing any distinction between ‘Sanghi’ and ‘Porukki’ (rowdy) and asserting that individuals using such terms are comparable. He emphasized the commonality when Tamilians visit Kerala or Malayalis visit Tamil Nadu, reinforcing unity through the shared Tamil language. Hidayath pointed out that, unfortunately, individuals engaging in problematic behaviors can be found everywhere.
Jeyamohan’s critique of the film centered on his belief that the promotion of drinking culture in Tamil Nadu is frowned upon. This viewpoint faced opposition from various figures in the movie industry who accused him of unfairly targeting Malayalis and being hypocritical, given similar portrayals in Tamil films.
Movie director Lenin Bharathi expressed his disapproval on social media, suggesting that Jeyamohan’s thoughts had soured, likening his words to “soured batter.” Bharathi criticized Jeyamohan’s use of terms like ‘Kerala porukkis’ and ‘Malayali drunkard porukkis,’ deeming them inappropriate.
Jeyamohan further elaborated on his personal encounters with drunk individuals from Kerala during his travels, labeling them as ‘Malayali Porukkis.’ He criticized the portrayal of happiness in Malayalam films, linking it to drinking and confrontations. The writer urged the Kerala government to take action against such practices for the well-being of its people.