In a highly anticipated cinematic reveal, the trailer for Kristen Stewart’s upcoming film, ‘Love Lies Bleeding,’ directed by Rose Glass, offers an enthralling preview of the intense and thrilling storyline. Stewart, the 33-year-old Oscar-nominated actress, takes on the role of Lou, a reclusive gym manager, whose life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters the ambitious bodybuilder Jackie, portrayed by Katy M. O’Brian.
Set against the backdrop of a journey from an ordinary town to the dazzling lights of Las Vegas, the film promises a compelling love story with a dark twist. As the passionate romance between Lou and Jackie unfolds, it becomes a catalyst for violence, entangling them in the complex and dangerous world of Lou’s criminal family.
The plot unfolds as a gripping exploration of love, ambition, and their consequences against the tumultuous backdrop of a criminal underworld. Ed Harris adds to the intrigue, portraying Lou’s menacing and gun-slinging father, whose character becomes the focus of FBI pursuit, adding layers of suspense and intrigue to the storyline.
Joining the stellar cast are Jena Malone, Anna Baryshnikov, and Dave Franco, each contributing to the film’s rich tapestry of characters. With a combination of intense performances and a compelling narrative, ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ seems poised to deliver a cinematic experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Scheduled for theatrical release on March 8, 2024, the film’s trailer hints at a complex blend of romance, drama, and crime, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the full unveiling of this captivating story on the big screen. Kristen Stewart’s magnetic performance, coupled with the intriguing plot dynamics, sets the stage for a cinematic journey that promises to leave a lasting impression on viewers.