In a noteworthy development, Dr. Praveen Kumar, a former doctor who made an impressive debut with the film “Love 360,” has successfully wrapped up filming for his second project titled “Desai,” directed by Naagi Reddy. The budding actor, hailing from a family of medical professionals, shared insights into his dual pursuits, revealing that his family emphasized completing his studies before fully dedicating himself to cinema.
Currently engaged in a one-month internship, Praveen Kumar expressed his commitment to transitioning into the film industry upon its completion. He also disclosed plans for a forthcoming psychological thriller, set to commence production in the coming year. Drawing parallels between his medical background and acting, Praveen highlighted the shared necessity of delving into intricate details to excel in both fields. As he gears up to immerse himself entirely in the world of cinema, Praveen Kumar’s journey from medicine to the silver screen continues to unfold.