In a highly anticipated release, the film “KTM,” featuring Dheekshith Shetty, Sanjana Doss, and Kaajal Kunder, hits theaters across Karnataka today. Directed by Aruna and produced by Mahalakshmi Movies, the co-producer Rakshay SV emphasizes the family-friendly nature of the movie.
Highlighting its appeal to a broad audience, Rakshay SV mentions that “KTM” carries a meaningful message for the younger generation, skillfully woven into the narrative. The film boasts five songs seamlessly integrated into the storyline.
Rakshay SV acknowledges the unique contributions of Sanjana and Kaajal, emphasizing their distinct characters that play pivotal roles in the overall plot. Showering praise on Dheekshit Shetty, the co-producer commends his versatility as one of the most accomplished actors in the Kannada industry. Notably, Rakshay SV applauds Shetty’s dedication, citing his willingness to shoot in challenging and unhygienic conditions during the Covid pandemic.
Expressing optimism, Rakshay SV hopes that “KTM” will mark another significant milestone in Dheekshit Shetty’s already illustrious career.