Last night, the Ambani household hosted a grand Holi celebration, drawing a plethora of Bollywood stars to the event. Among the attendees, Priyanka Chopra stood out, captivating onlookers with her dazzling presence. Social media buzzed with viral images and videos from inside the party, showcasing moments shared between Priyanka, Radhika Merchant, and host Isha Ambani. Radhika stunned in a pastel gown while Isha radiated charm in colorful attire. Priyanka, true to form, looked resplendent in an exquisite saree.
One particularly captivating video showcased the opulence of the dinner table setup, evoking a regal atmosphere with its lavish floral and candle decorations. Priyanka was spotted engrossed in conversation with Isha Ambani, with other luminaries like Ayushmann Khurrana adding to the event’s glamour.
Anaita Shroff Adajania’s Instagram story further tantalized viewers with an image of a sumptuous dinner thali, igniting appetites at a glance. Another viral clip captured a heartwarming embrace between Priyanka Chopra and Madhuri Dixit, creating an iconic moment cherished by fans.
In essence, the pre-Holi extravaganza set a delightful tone for the upcoming festive season, spreading joy and laughter. As anticipation builds for the colorful festivities ahead, Pinkvilla extends warm wishes for a joyous Holi celebration to all.