In a recent development, the Tamil film ‘Lover’, featuring Manikandan in the lead role, has shifted its gears towards an OTT release following its lukewarm reception at the box office. Directed by Prabhu Ram, the movie is set to make its digital debut on March 27, exclusively on Hotstar.
Starring a cast including Manikandan, Gouri Priya, Saravanan, Harish Kumar, Geetha Kailasam, Rini, Nikhila Shankar, and Arunachalam, with music composed by Sean Roldan, ‘Lover’ delves into the intricacies of a relationship on the brink of collapse between its lead characters portrayed by Manikandan and Gouri Priya.
Despite its underwhelming performance at the cinemas, ‘Lover’ managed to carve out a niche audience amidst its theatrical run, sandwiched between ‘Lal Salaam’ and ‘Yatra 2’. The film earned praise for its compelling performances and technical brilliance.
With a narrative that spans across Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, and Kannada, the romantic drama explores the challenges faced by Divya and Arun, a couple grappling with personal growth and differing priorities over their six-year relationship.
As anticipation builds for its OTT release, ‘Lover’ aims to reach a wider audience base, promising an immersive cinematic experience across multiple languages.