Bollywood power couple Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani recently exchanged vows in a picturesque ceremony held in Goa on February 21, 2024. The much-loved duo is eagerly anticipating their first Holi celebration together as husband and wife this year, marking the beginning of new traditions.
During a conversation with Spice Social at an award function, Rakul Preet expressed her excitement about celebrating Holi with Jackky for the first time. She emphasized the joy of embarking on this new journey together as a married couple.
When asked about the changes in her life post-marriage, Rakul Preet Singh provided a refreshing perspective, stating that she didn’t notice any significant difference before and after tying the knot. She described marriage as a beautiful and normal phase of life.
Reflecting on a memorable moment from their journey, Rakul shared a heartwarming anecdote about Jackky Bhagnani winning over her father during their initial meeting. Recalling Jackky’s visit to Delhi to meet her parents on her mother’s birthday, Rakul fondly recounted how Jackky’s candid response about his intentions charmed her usually stern father. She remembered Jackky reassuring her parents that he would be ready whenever she was, which instantly won her father’s admiration.