Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani, one of Bollywood’s most cherished couples, recently delighted their fans with a glimpse into their quality time together. The pair, known for sharing captivating moments from their lives, took to Instagram to showcase their latest activities. The series of posts began with a video of Rakul working out, followed by a shot of a scrumptious meal. The next slide featured Rakul joyfully jumping into a waterslide and playfully asking her husband if he would join her. When Jackky inquired about the experience, Rakul responded enthusiastically, calling it “amazing.” The series also included a selfie video of Rakul trekking with friends.
Rakul’s Instagram update continued with a video of her and Jackky enjoying a water ride, a photo of her showing off her abs, and a caption reflecting on a week of wellness with her husband. Meanwhile, Jackky shared his own set of posts, which included a workout video, a picture from their water ride, and a video of him taking a daring dive into a lake. His post was accompanied by a message about self-investment and growth, with a heartfelt reference to Rakul.
The couple’s social media updates follow their stunning beach wedding in Goa on February 21, which was attended by close friends and family. Since their marriage, Rakul and Jackky have frequently shared heartwarming glimpses into their life together, captivating their followers with their joyful moments and intimate snapshots.