In a revealing interview with Stardust, actor Govinda discussed his past attraction to the late Bollywood icon Divya Bharti, despite being married to his wife, Sunita. Govinda, known for his illustrious career and charisma, admitted that he found it challenging to resist Divya’s charm. The actress, renowned for her dazzling smile and captivating presence, had a profound impact on many, including Govinda.
During the filming of Shola Aur Shabnam, rumors of a romantic relationship between Govinda and Divya circulated. In the interview, Govinda candidly spoke about his strong feelings for Divya, acknowledging that he was deeply attracted to her but remained committed to his wife. He emphasized his belief in destiny and how it shapes one’s life, stating that he was holding firm despite the allure of Divya.
Govinda also touched on the topic of a potential second marriage, noting that while he might consider it in the future, Sunita should be prepared for such a possibility. He mentioned that his astrological chart hinted at the potential for a second marriage, further fueling the speculation surrounding his personal life.