Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film ‘Devdas,’ inspired by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay’s novel, stands as a significant work in both Indian cinema and Shah Rukh Khan’s career. During the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland, Shah Rukh Khan discussed how Bhansali eventually convinced him to accept the role, despite his initial hesitations. Khan admitted that he felt he was “too cool” to portray Devdas, a character he perceived as an alcoholic who fails in relationships, which he found unrelatable at the time.
Khan initially turned down the role because he felt disconnected from the character and the story, having been remade numerous times. However, filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali, renowned for his talent, approached Khan with a compelling offer. Bhansali praised Khan’s eyes as ideal for Devdas and insisted that the film would not proceed without him. After a year of waiting without casting anyone else, Khan eventually agreed to the role.
Khan expressed his desire not to have Devdas be seen as a role model. He explained that he avoids playing characters that demean women and aimed for Devdas to be portrayed as a weak individual rather than someone to be admired.