At the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland, Shah Rukh Khan, often hailed as the ‘King of Bollywood,’ opened up about his views on fame and stardom. Despite his global acclaim, Khan admitted that he has never fully grasped the concept of stardom and prefers to approach it with a sense of detachment.
During a discussion with the festival’s artistic director, Khan described his approach to stardom as one of constant effort to entertain, whether through performing stunts, singing, or acting. He emphasized that his primary goal is to bring joy to his audience, which, in turn, earns him their affection.
Khan clarified that the admiration he receives from fans is a result of the happiness he provides through his work. He views stardom as a mere byproduct of this connection rather than an essential part of his identity. “Stardom is just a circumstantial, consequential byproduct of this. It has nothing to do with me and them,” he explained.
While he appreciates the recognition, affection, and financial rewards that come with stardom, Khan asserted that he does not allow it to define him. He likened his approach to fame to wearing a T-shirt rather than a tuxedo, highlighting his grounded attitude despite his success.