Filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews has showered praise on the latest Malayalam film ‘Aadujeevitham’, directed by Blessy and starring Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead role. Andrrews, known for directing ‘How Old Are You?’, took to social media to express his admiration for the film and its lead actor, with whom he had previously collaborated on ‘Mumbai Police’, where Sukumaran portrayed a policeman.
In a heartfelt note shared on social media, Andrrews wrote, “Cinema becomes divine when it is an experience. Blessy chetta, you have created a cathartic classic which will stand the test of time.” Referring to Sukumaran’s character in ‘Mumbai Police’, he added, “Prithvi… my Antony Moses… what do I say? Figuratively and literally, your sweat and blood is the soul of Aadujeevitham. Need I tell you that this is your best? Your passion for cinema has made Najeeb a winner! Hoping to see you walking the red carpet at a lot of film festivals and award functions next year… Congrats to the entire team for the effort.”
It is noteworthy that Prithviraj Sukumaran’s performance in ‘Mumbai Police’ was highly acclaimed, both for his acting prowess and his bravery in portraying a gay character at a time when mainstream media had limited acceptance of homosexual individuals.
‘Aadujeevitham’ narrates the true story of Najeeb, a Malayali immigrant laborer who was forced into slavery as a goatherd on secluded farms in the deserts of Saudi Arabia.
In a separate heartfelt gesture, Prithviraj Sukumaran sent a touching message to the family of a late fan who had expressed a wish to watch ‘Aadujeevitham’ but unfortunately passed away in 2021.