During the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, actor Ryan Gosling, 43, openly declared his profound love for his partner, Eva Mendes, 49, while accepting the prestigious Kirk Douglas Award for Excellence in Film. Gosling, the 16th recipient of this accolade, expressed his gratitude for the transformative impact Mendes and their two daughters, Esmeralda Amada and Amada Lee, have had on his life.
Reflecting on his journey in the film industry, Gosling shared how meeting Mendes and becoming a father turned his once-dreamed-of career into a surreal reality. “I dreamed of one day making movies, and now, movies have made my life a dream,” he poignantly stated during the ceremony.
In a lighter moment, Gosling playfully joked about the possibility of portraying Ken in a Barbie movie directed by Greta Gerwig. He amusingly recounted the diverse roles he has embraced throughout his career, expressing gratitude for the opportunities he has been given.
Acknowledging his industry influences, Gosling gave shoutouts to cinematic legends such as Cecil B. DeMille, Garry Marshall, Stanley Kubrick, and actors Charlton Heston, Yul Brenner, Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, and Kirk Douglas.
The private journey of Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes began in 2011, evolving from friendship to a romantic partnership. Welcoming their first child, Esmeralda, in 2014, and their second, Amada, in 2016, Gosling previously shared the profound impact Mendes had on his life during a 2023 interview with GQ, revealing that he was unknowingly searching for her before their paths crossed.