Celebrated Telugu actor Venkatesh is set to mark a significant milestone with his 75th film, “Saindhav,” creating a buzz of anticipation throughout the industry. The global theatrical release is slated for January 13, 2023, aligning with the festive Sankranthi celebrations, as reported by 123telugu. Venkatesh’s dedicated fan base is eagerly awaiting this cinematic extravaganza, with the film’s creators diligently working to craft an exceptional experience fitting for this momentous occasion.
Commencing his cinematic journey in 1986 with “Kaliyuga Pandavulu,” Venkatesh’s career is set to be commemorated by “Saindhav,” and the creators have unveiled elaborate plans to honor his illustrious journey. On December 27 at 5 p.m., the prestigious JRC Convention Centre in Hyderabad will host a grand gala event. This star-studded affair will feature renowned Tollywood personalities sharing their memories and experiences working with Venkatesh. The anticipated attendance of celebrities like Nani, Mahesh Babu, Nagarjuna, and Chiranjeevi is expected to add grandeur and nostalgia to the event.
“Saindhav” doesn’t solely revolve around Venkatesh; it boasts a stellar cast including Bollywood star Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Arya, Andrea Jeremiah, Ruhani Sharma, and Shraddha Srinath. Produced and directed by Venkat Boyanapalli and Sailesh Kolanu under the Niharika Entertainments banner, the film brings together a talented ensemble to create what promises to be a cinematic masterpiece. Noteworthy Tamil composer Santhosh Narayanan, serving as the soundtrack artist, elevates the movie’s audio quality, adding to its overall allure.
Beyond Venkatesh’s dedicated followers, the entire Telugu cinema industry is abuzz with excitement for “Saindhav.” The film, with its star-studded cast, accomplished crew, and a grand premiere celebration, is poised to become a cherished cinematic spectacle. As the eagerly awaited date of January 13, 2023, draws near, it is evident that “Saindhav” is not merely a film but an occasion destined to make its mark in the annals of Telugu cinema history.