In the latest airport sighting, Samara Sahni, the confident niece of Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor and daughter of Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, continues to capture attention with her poised demeanor. Spotted at the Mumbai airport on February 22, Samara effortlessly posed for the paparazzi, showcasing the unmistakable ‘Kapoor genes’ that run in the family.
A shared video from the encounter depicts Samara radiating joy and confidence, stealing the limelight as she graciously faced the cameras. While her mother, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, displayed a slight hesitation, she gracefully acknowledged the paparazzi’s presence. The comfortable and confident aura exuded by the teenager left a lasting impression on onlookers.
The mother-daughter duo warmly greeted the paparazzi before bidding adieu, leaving behind a stylish mark with their airport fashion. The video has garnered much admiration from viewers who are captivated by their stunning presence and evident camaraderie.
Notably, on February 21, Samara Sahni and Ranbir Kapoor charmed fans with captivating pictures taken at the birthday celebration of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan’s younger son, Jehangir Ali Khan. Ranbir Kapoor sported a black shirt paired with khaki pants, while Samara showcased her chic attire, adding to the duo’s appeal.