In the brisk morning of Bengaluru, actress Kushee Ravi navigates through the lively streets of Gandhi Bazaar, adorned in a traditional half-sari, to procure essentials for Sankranti celebrations.
Expressing her enthusiasm, Kushee shares, “We always celebrate Sankranti at home in full grandeur. For me, it’s always been such a fun festival and shopping is part of the reason why.” She guides us through her shopping spree, emphasizing the significance of traditional rituals.
Highlighting the importance of preserving traditions, Kushee mentions, “We should hold our traditions close to our heart. It is a part of who we are,” as she carefully selects betel leaves, banana leaves, and other puja essentials.
At a one-stop shop, Kushee remarks on the festival’s crucial elements, stating, “Coconuts, groundnuts, and all these dals are meant to provide heat during the cold. This is the significance of it.”
Reflecting on her childhood memories, Kushee shares, “When I was young, I was quite a naughty child. I was always getting scolded by my mother. But on Sankranti, I would tell her, ‘Amma, it’s Sankranti, you can’t scold me today.’”
Heading to a fruit vendor, Kushee insists, “No festival is complete without a platter of fruits,” as she selects apples, bananas, oranges, and pomegranates. Later, she engages with a sugarcane vendor, playfully remarking, “That anna (brother) looks sweet. Let’s go ask him how much for a sugarcane.”
Expressing her love for averekai, Kushee shares, “We use averekai in just about everything for Sankranti, and it’s one of my favorites,” before procuring hyacinth beans.
Underscoring Sankranti staples, Kushee emphasizes, “Two Sankranti essentials are groundnuts and sweet potatoes,” noting that in her home, they are simply boiled and eaten.