In a recent revelation, Bollywood actor Siddhant Chaturvedi shared a fascinating anecdote about an unexpected rendezvous with superstar Shah Rukh Khan at his iconic residence, Mannat. Chaturvedi, currently in the spotlight for his latest film “Kho Gaye Hum Kahan,” narrated the incident during a promotional event.
The story unfolded during a casual evening at Soho House, where Chaturvedi and his friends unexpectedly crossed paths with Shah Rukh Khan. The megastar graciously invited the group to join him at Mannat after their initial plans. Recounting the incident, Chaturvedi mentioned, “He was very gracious and met us warmly. He then asked us to join him at Mannat after our party. But I told him that I have my laundas (my gang of friends) with me, to which he said, ‘Tum launde ho to hum bhi jawan hai.’ So we all ended up at his place.”
Chaturvedi went on to disclose that, unfortunately, one of his friends was on a date that night, celebrating her birthday. The party continued at Mannat until the early hours of the morning, creating a memorable experience for everyone involved. However, Chaturvedi couldn’t help but playfully admit to sabotaging his friend’s romantic prospects. “By the end of the night, my friend was so happy thinking he and this girl would become a thing soon, as he really liked the girl. But I told him, ‘Nahi Hoga’ and he was wondering why, so I explained to him that on the very first date she met Shah Rukh Khan and how to top that. And some time later, that’s exactly what happened, I felt like I sabotaged his date (smiles).”