In a dazzling resurgence of the captivating world within “Ya Boy Kongming!”, the official website of the anime series has unveiled the first trailer and visual for its upcoming compilation film, titled “Paripi Kōmei Road to Summer Sonia.” Scheduled for release in Japan on March 1, fans are brimming with anticipation for the cinematic journey that lies ahead.
Since making its digital debut in English through Kodansha USA Publishing on June 1, 2021, the manga has enraptured readers with its distinctive premise. The narrative revolves around Kongming, the esteemed General of the Three Kingdoms, whose strategic exploits take an unforeseen turn with a rebirth in the modern heart of Tokyo. The enthralling collision between Kongming’s wisdom and the city’s pulsating nightlife lays the groundwork for an unforgettable tale.
Originally launched on Kodansha’s Comic Days website in December 2019, the manga garnered further attention upon its inclusion in Kodansha’s Weekly Young Magazine from November 2021.
Premiering in April 2022, the animated adaptation of the manga captivated audiences with exclusive streaming on HIDIVE, complete with an English dub for global accessibility. Sentai Filmworks undertook the responsibility of licensing and home video release, bringing Kongming’s animated escapades to enthusiasts worldwide on April 18.
Expanding beyond the animated realm, “Ya Boy Kongming!” broadened its horizons with a live-action series that graced screens on September 27, concluding its captivating run on November 29, much to the joy of its dedicated fan base.
The forthcoming compilation film vows to distill the vibrant essence of “Ya Boy Kongming!” into a thrilling cinematic experience, promising a fresh perspective on Kongming’s odyssey through the electrifying rhythm of Tokyo.
As excitement continues to mount, fans are eagerly counting down the days until the film’s release, eager to witness Kongming’s journey unfold once more on the grandeur of the big screen.