In a glamorous event last night, the bustling city of Mumbai played host to a dazzling array of stars, with acclaimed actress and musician Shruti Haasan taking center stage at the much-anticipated 50 Cent Concert. Accompanying Shruti in revelry were her sister, actor Akshara Haasan, actor Adivi Shesh, and a select group of friends.
Shruti, who recently made waves with her dark and edgy hit, “Monster Machine,” and delivered a riveting performance at a recent awards ceremony, was spotted front and center at the concert. Engaging in the rhythm of the music, she danced, sang along, and immersed herself in the captivating performance by 50 Cent. The versatile actress was also spotted enthusiastically cheering for Canadian musician SDVP (Shan Vincent de Paul), Canadian Tamil music producer Yanchan, and Singaporean rapper Yung Raja.
The star-studded night was extensively documented on Shruti’s Instagram, showcasing her trademark style of sharing glimpses of her life with her fans. Adding to the excitement, the “Salaar” actress announced a collaboration with Canadian music producer Yanchan via her Instagram stories, sparking anticipation among her followers eager to witness her next venture after the resounding success of “Monster Machine.”