In the aftermath of the success of the Tamil film ‘Leo,’ Vijay has embarked on his next venture with director Venkat Prabhu, promising an entertaining cinematic experience. Tentatively titled ‘Thalapathy 68,’ the film commenced shooting a few weeks ago, progressing through schedules in Chennai and Thailand before heading to the picturesque landscapes of Turkey.
After recently wrapping up the Bangkok leg of shooting, the team has returned to Chennai, and there are indications that the cast will soon be jetting off to Turkey in phases to continue filming in diverse global locations. An official announcement from the filmmakers is eagerly awaited. Initial schedules were successfully completed in Chennai, and the crew is now geared up for extensive shooting on foreign terrain.
The project kicked off with a muhurat pujah in September, boasting an ensemble cast including Vijay, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Sneha, Laila, Mohan, Ajmal Amir, Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh, Vaibhav, Premji, Aravind Akash, and more. Yuvan Shankar Raja is at the helm of the music composition, adding to the anticipation for the film’s release in 2024. Stay tuned for further updates as ‘Thalapathy 68’ continues its cinematic journey across international landscapes.