In a heartwarming display of camaraderie, Tamil film industry stalwart Suriya has taken to social media to convey his best wishes to fellow actor Bobby Deol for the success of his recent release, ‘Animal.’ Suriya, known for his supportive gestures towards his colleagues, shared a video clip from ‘Animal’ on his Instagram story, expressing confidence in Bobby Deol’s stellar performance. His caption read, “Hearty wishes to Team #Animal for a blockbuster success ahead. Special wishes to my dearest @iambobbydeol. Sir, I’m sure you’ve rocked your role in this one too!!”
Acknowledging Suriya’s warm wishes, Bobby Deol responded to the post, expressing gratitude with the message, “@actorsuriya… it means a lot thank you.”
The bond between the two actors goes beyond well-wishing, as Bobby Deol is set to play a significant role in Suriya’s upcoming release, ‘Kanguva,’ directed by Siruthai Siva. Having completed filming for his portions in the period drama, Bobby Deol is making his Tamil debut with ‘Kanguva,’ which is currently in its final stages of production and expected to wrap up in the coming weeks.
Bobby Deol, who portrays the antagonist in the pan-Indian release ‘Animal,’ featuring Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role, has garnered attention for his performance. Directed by ‘Arjun Reddy’ fame Sandeep Reddy Vanga, ‘Animal’ has received a mixed response in Tamil Nadu but shows strength in Hindi and Telugu states. Despite opening to varied reviews, the film is anticipated to perform well at the box office.
As the industry eagerly awaits the release of ‘Kanguva,’ the warm exchange between Suriya and Bobby Deol exemplifies the supportive spirit shared among friends in the world of cinema.