Actress Taapsee Pannu recently exchanged vows with her longtime partner Mathias Boe in a private ceremony held on March 23 in Udaipur. Despite keeping the wedding under wraps, snippets from their glamorous Sangeet night have surfaced online, captivating fans. The event, captured in leaked footage, showcased a stunning decor with lavish lighting arrangements, in stark contrast to the simplicity of their Haldi ceremony.
The couple’s intimate wedding was attended by close friends and family, with notable figures like Taapsee’s co-star Pavail Gulati and writer-producer Kanika Dhillon gracing the occasion, along with personalities from the badminton fraternity.
While the newlyweds have chosen to keep their wedding photos private, glimpses of their celebrations have generated widespread buzz on social media.
On the professional front, Taapsee is preparing for the sequel of her film ‘Haseen Dillruba’ and is set to feature in ‘Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan?’ and ‘Khel Khel Mein’.