Actress Dia Mirza celebrated her son Avyaan Azaad’s third birthday in style with a jungle-themed party at her Mumbai residence on May 14. The “Bheed” actress took to Instagram to share glimpses of the joyous occasion, expressing gratitude for her son and the lessons he has taught them.
Among the attendees were Neha Dhupia, Soha Ali Khan, and other industry peers, who brought along their children to join in the festivities. Soha Ali Khan also shared moments from the cake-cutting ceremony, showcasing Avyaan’s excitement over a beautifully decorated cake adorned with edible animal and plant motifs.
Neha Dhupia, too, took to social media to extend birthday wishes to Avyaan, sharing a playful moment with him and a dinosaur toy.
Dia Mirza, known for her roles in “Dhak Dhak” and the OTT series “Made in Heaven Season 2”, continues to captivate audiences with her performances.