In an eagerly awaited development for fans, renowned Tamil actor Sivakarthikeyan is set to grace the big screen with his upcoming release, ‘Ayalaan.’ The film, which has been in the making for an extended period, is scheduled to hit theaters on January 12, marking the much-anticipated culmination of its production journey.
Adding to the excitement, ‘Ayalaan’ has successfully navigated a crucial phase, receiving a ‘U’ certification from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). The filmmakers, in celebration of this milestone, unveiled a new poster with the caption, “#Ayalaan: An intergalactic ride for all ages. Rated ‘U’ for a universal fun-filled experience.” This certification underscores the family-friendly nature of the film, ensuring it steers clear of elements such as smoking, drinking, glamour, violence, or bloodshed sequences – a point emphasized by Sivakarthikeyan himself during the film’s audio launch.
As the release date approaches, the promotional activities for ‘Ayalaan’ have kicked into high gear. The trailer launch, set to be a grand affair in Dubai, will feature the presence of key figures including Sivakarthikeyan, Rakul Preet Singh, AR Rahman, and director Ravikumar. The iconic Burj Khalifa will serve as the backdrop for this much-anticipated event, further fueling the film’s pre-release buzz.
Directed by Ravikumar, ‘Ayalaan’ ventures into the realm of science fiction drama, promising a cinematic experience that has been four years in the making. Scheduled to coincide with the festive occasion of Pongal, ‘Ayalaan’ is gearing up for a box-office clash with other notable releases, including Dhanush’s ‘Captain Miller’ and Arun Vijay’s ‘Mission: Chapter 1,’ as all three films are slated to debut on the same date.