Celebrated Telugu actor Ravi Teja marked his birthday on January 26, coinciding with the nationwide observance of Republic Day. On this special occasion, the makers of Ravi Teja’s upcoming film, ‘Mr. Bachchan,’ unveiled an action-packed poster showcasing the actor in a retro mass avatar.
The dynamic poster captures Ravi Teja’s stylish entry, adorned in a blue shirt and baggy pants, amidst falling goons. The vintage setting includes classic cars and old buildings, emanating nostalgic vibes for fans. The film, titled ‘Mr. Bachchan’ and directed by Harish, is currently in production in Karampudi, with Ravi Teja and other key cast members actively participating.
The tagline for the movie is ‘Naam Tho Suna Hoga,’ and it features Bhagyashri Borse as the female lead. Musical direction is entrusted to Mickey J Meyer, while Ayananka Bose takes charge of cinematography.
Amidst the patriotic fervor of Republic Day, fans eagerly anticipate the release of ‘Mr. Bachchan,’ promising a power-packed performance from the Mass Maharaja himself.