Renowned ‘RRR’ actor Ram Charan conveyed heartfelt congratulations to his father, Chiranjeevi, the southern superstar, for receiving the prestigious Padma Vibhushan, the country’s second-highest civilian honor. Taking to his official X handle, Ram Charan expressed, “Congratulations @KChiruTweets on the prestigious ‘Padma Vibhushan’! Your contribution to Indian cinema and society at large has played an instrumental role in shaping me and inspiring countless fans. You are an impeccable citizen of this great nation. Immense gratitude to the Government of India & @narendramodi Ji for this honor and recognition. A big shout-out to all fans & well-wishers for their support. Here’s to your well-deserved honor #Megastar #PadmaVibhushan #PadmaVibhushanChiranjeevi.”
Ram Charan’s wife, Upasana Konidela, also extended her wishes on X, posting, “Congratulations dearest Mamaya.” Chiranjeevi, along with actor-danceuse Vyajayantimala Bali and dancer Padma Subrahmanyam, will be conferred with the second-highest civilian honor in the country.
Expressing his delight at being named the recipient of the top national honor, Chiranjeevi said, “After hearing this news, I became speechless. I’m really overwhelmed. I am humbled and grateful for this honor. It’s only the unconditional and invaluable love of the people, audiences, fans, my blood brothers, and blood sisters that allowed me to reach here. I owe my life and this moment to you. I always try to express my gratitude in ways that I can, though I know I can never do enough.”
Chiranjeevi, known for his influential and successful career in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, and Kannada films, has starred in iconic movies such as ‘Vijetha,’ ‘Indra,’ ‘Shankar Dada M.B.B.S.,’ and more recently, ‘Bholaa Shankar.’
The recipients of this year’s Padma awards were announced on Thursday evening.