In a significant announcement, Kiran Rao’s directorial venture, ‘Laapataa Ladies,’ has been chosen as the opening film for the upcoming second edition of the IFFM Summer Festival. The Australian premiere of the film is scheduled for February 29th at the festival, just a day before its official release on March 1, 2024, according to a recent statement.
Expressing her excitement about the film’s screening at the festival, Kiran Rao conveyed her gratitude, stating, “It’s a great honor for Laapataa Ladies to be the Opening Film at IIFM. I am absolutely delighted and would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to the festival. I hope the Melbourne audience enjoys the film, and that I get to visit this great city in person soon!”
The festival, set to take place from February 29th to March 2nd, is anticipated to be a vibrant celebration of Indian cinema in Australia. Festival Director Mitu Bhowmick shared her enthusiasm for the event, highlighting the significance of Laapataa Ladies as the opening film. She emphasized the film’s exploration of layered human relationships, women’s stories, and the unexpected complexities of life. Bhowmick expressed excitement about continuing the year-round celebration of Indian films in Australia and celebrated Kiran Rao’s remarkable film being chosen as the opening feature for the summer edition.
In the heart of the film, ‘Laapataa Ladies’ unfolds its narrative in rural India in 2001, revolving around the tale of two young brides who find themselves separated during a train journey. The plot takes an intriguing turn when Kishan, a police officer, takes on the responsibility of investigating the missing case.
The film, scripted by Biplab Goswami, has generated interest not only for its compelling storyline but also for its potential recognition on a global stage. The question arises whether Kiran Rao plans to submit ‘Laapataa Ladies’ for consideration at the Oscars. The director, in response to this query, is yet to make an official statement, keeping fans and cinephiles in anticipation of the film’s journey beyond the IFFM Summer Festival.