In a significant move, Varun Tej, a prominent figure in South Indian cinema, is poised to make his mark in Hindi cinema with his latest project, “Operation Valentine.” The film centers around the Pulwama attack, with Varun portraying the role of an Indian Air Force Pilot. The trailer for the film was unveiled by none other than Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and Varun’s cousin, Ram Charan.
Hailing from a distinguished family in Telugu cinema, Varun is the son of actor-producer Nagendra Babu, with uncles Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan, and cousins including Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, Allu Sirish, Sai Tej, and Panja Vaisshnav Tej.
In an exclusive interview with ETimes, Varun shared insights into navigating his career alongside his accomplished relatives who continue to dominate the industry. He acknowledged the inherent pressure in the industry but emphasized his commitment to being distinctive not only within his family but also among his peers. From the outset of his career, Varun aimed to offer something unique and meaningful to the audience.
Reflecting on his family’s role in his journey, Varun expressed gratitude for their supportive approach. He highlighted that his family never imposed their influence in the industry, refraining from leveraging their connections to secure opportunities for him. Instead, Varun emphasized the shared experience of struggle, noting that it took three years for his first film to materialize.
Varun Tej’s foray into Hindi cinema with “Operation Valentine” marks a significant chapter in his career, adding a new dimension to his already illustrious journey in the world of cinema.