In a much-anticipated development, the title track of the upcoming action-drama film, “Pariah,” has been officially released. Renowned playback singer Sonu Nigam, a stalwart in the Indian music industry, has lent his soulful voice to this captivating composition, skillfully crafted by composer Ranajoy Bhattacharya.
The film, starring Vikram Chatterjee in the lead role, has been generating substantial excitement among audiences. Chatterjee, who takes on a challenging and intense character in “Pariah,” shared his thoughts on the experience, stating, “As an actor, ‘Pariah’ is the most challenging role for me so far. For the first time, I’m going to do an action film, and a lot of my time has been spent on physical and emotional transformation. I have been practicing martial arts for the last two months. Doing justice to the character and making it relatable is crucial for any actor, so I’m equally nervous, excited, and happy at the same time. I hope our audience will enjoy ‘Pariah.'”
The ensemble cast of the movie includes Angana Roy, Soumya Mukherjee, Ambarish Bhattacharya, Deboprasad Haldar, Shahir Raj, and Debasish Roy in pivotal roles. Directed by Tathagata Mukherjee, “Pariah” promises to be a riveting cinematic experience, blending action and drama seamlessly. As the anticipation builds, fans eagerly await the film’s release to witness this compelling narrative unfold on the big screen.