Rohit Shetty’s much-anticipated directorial debut for an OTT platform, “Indian Police Force,” has unveiled its trailer, providing viewers with a glimpse into the high-octane action. In this three-minute clip, Sidharth Malhotra takes on the role of Kabir Malik, a Delhi Police Officer leading a determined team in pursuit of a criminal responsible for a series of bomb blasts in the city.
Expressing her admiration for the trailer, Kiara Advani, wife of Sidharth Malhotra, took to her Instagram story to share her excitement for the upcoming series. She affectionately referred to her husband as “Dilli ka launda,” accompanied by a heart-eye emoji.
Renowned for his expertise in action and comedy genres, Rohit Shetty is making his foray into the world of OTT with “Indian Police Force.” The ensemble cast includes Shilpa Shetty, Vivek Oberoi, Shweta Tiwari, Nikitin Dheer, Rituraj Singh, Mukesh Rishi, and Lalit Parimoo in pivotal roles.
Taking to Instagram, Rohit Shetty shared the trailer, announcing, “The hunt begins 19th January onwards… Indian Police Force, new series only on @primevideoin.”
Scheduled for a premiere on January 19, 2024, “Indian Police Force” promises to deliver a riveting dose of hard-core action exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.