Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the consecration of the grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, believed to be the birthplace of the Hindu god Lord Ram. Actor-producer Unni Mukundan, currently on the set of his upcoming film ‘Get-Set Baby,’ marked the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony with a special puja. Sharing glimpses of the celebration through a live social media session, Mukundan captioned the video, “Celebrating the prana pratishta occasion at the #GetSetBaby Movie Location with ShriRamJyoti! #JaiShriRam.”
In a note posted on his social media handle, Mukundan expressed anticipation ahead of the Ayodhya Ram temple prana pratishta ceremony, sharing a picture of Lord Ram and Hanuman. “The fact that it’s just a few hours for my Lord to come back home makes my heart feel the absolute joy of life. I am praying for prosperity for all. JaiShriRam Everyone.”
Mukundan, currently essaying the role of a doctor in ‘Get-Set Baby,’ directed by Vinay Govind, shared in an earlier TOI interview, “I love doing films that are socially relevant yet entertaining. Get-Set Baby! has that perfect balance of communicating an emotional story with a commercial sense of cinema. I am sure that this film will bring me a lot of love and place me in the hearts of families.”