In a recent development, popular Tamil actor Yogi Babu has extended his heartfelt wishes to the entire team of the highly anticipated Mohanlal starrer ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban.’
Using his official Twitter handle, Yogi Babu shared a picture that showcased Mohanlal standing proudly next to the poster of ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban,’ expressing his best wishes for the film’s success.
Yogi Babu’s tweet conveyed his excitement for the worldwide release of ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban’ scheduled for January 25, 2024. Addressing Mohanlal with respect, he wished the veteran actor the best for the film and congratulated director Lijo Jose Pellissery for creating what he described as a “wonderful movie.”
The tweet read, ““#MalaikottaiVaaliban releasing worldwide on January 25, 2024 All the best @Mohanlal Sir congratulation Lijo Jose Pellissery sir For this wonderful movie #MalaikottaiValiban Becomes massive hit.”
Directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Lijo Jose Pellissery, ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban’ is an action drama that has already generated significant anticipation, evident from its impressive pre-sales business exceeding Rs 1 crore. The movie promises to be a compelling narrative, starring Mohanlal, Sonalee Kulkarni, Hariprashanth, and Andrea Ravera. The storyline follows the life of a legendary man, adding an element of intrigue to the film.
Meanwhile, Yogi Babu, known for his comedic prowess, is set to play a pivotal role in the upcoming Malayalam movie ‘Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil,’ featuring Basil Joseph and Prithviraj Sukumaran in lead roles.