Renowned actress Usha Nadkarni is set to make a vibrant return to Zee TV in the upcoming show, ‘Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye,’ where she plays a spirited role that feels like a true “homecoming.” The 77-year-old actress, cherished for her sharp-tongued and lively characters, expressed her excitement about returning to the channel after an extended period.
‘Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye’ narrates an unconventional love story between Amruta, portrayed by Sriti Jha, an optimistic Maharashtrian woman committed to working on her marriage, and Virat, played by Arjit Taneja, a worldly-wise Delhi-based Punjabi with skepticism about the institution of marriage.
Usha Nadkarni will be portraying the character of Dnyaneshwari, Amruta’s grandmother, described as a feisty firebrand who stands up for what is right. Usha believes that Dnyaneshwari is a strong woman who will leave a significant impact on the audience.
In the midst of gripping family drama, recent episodes have captivated viewers with intriguing sequences. From familial disputes over jewelry to Amruta taking a stand for her mother Bhavani, the show has kept audiences on the edge of their seats.
The storyline takes an exciting turn as Usha’s character, Dnyaneshwari, makes a grand entrance. The latest promo reveals Amruta facing societal taunts about crossing the marriageable age, and as she stands against this unjust scrutiny, Usha’s powerful portrayal as her feisty grandmother promises to be a game-changer.
The show highlights the resonance between the younger and older generations, emphasizing how the views of grandparents often align closely with the youth. Usha Nadkarni’s return to Zee TV in this impactful role adds a layer of anticipation to the unfolding drama of ‘Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye.’