In the wake of the blockbuster success of Vijay’s latest film ‘Leo,’ the actor is currently immersed in the shooting of his upcoming venture tentatively titled “Thalapathy 68” alongside director Venkat Prabhu. The film’s production commenced with a noteworthy 3D VFX scan of Vijay in the United States, setting the stage for a unique cinematic experience.
Recent reports unveil an intriguing twist in the narrative, with Vijay slated to make a captivating appearance in a vintage avatar. Utilizing cutting-edge de-aging technology, the film’s makers are set to transport fans back to the 2000s, presenting Vijay in his youthful prime for approximately 10 minutes on screen. A substantial investment of around Rs 6 crore has reportedly been allocated to perfect the advanced de-aging techniques incorporated in “Thalapathy 68.”
The prospect of witnessing Vijay’s iconic looks from the 2000s has ignited a wave of nostalgia among fans, who eagerly anticipate a glimpse of their beloved star in his heyday. Currently, the film is in the midst of production in Hyderabad, with plans to venture to Istanbul for the continuation of shooting.
“Thalapathy 68” boasts an impressive ensemble cast, featuring Vijay alongside Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Sneha, Laila, Mohan, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Yogi Babu, Ajmal, Jayaram, Yugendran, Vaibhav, Premji, Aravind Akash, and others. Adding to the cinematic allure, the film’s musical score is in the talented hands of Yuvan Shankar Raja.