In a much-anticipated development, actor Vijay, currently engrossed in the shooting of his 68th film directed by Venkat Prabhu, unveiled the second look of the film titled ‘GOAT’ on January 1, 2024. The film’s first look and title were earlier revealed on New Year’s Eve.
Taking to social media, director Venkat Prabhu shared the second look poster and conveyed New Year wishes, stating, “Happy new year #TheGOAT2ndLook #TheGreatestOfAllTime @actorvijay @thisisysr @archanakalpathi.” The film showcases Vijay in a dual role, with one portraying his current age, while cutting-edge technology is employed to present him 20 years younger in the second role, reminiscent of the vintage Vijay from the 2000s.
Described as an entertaining drama, the second look poster has garnered immense appreciation from Vijay’s fanbase. Featuring the actor in both roles, the poster depicts him riding a bike and wielding machine guns.
‘GOAT,’ an abbreviation for ‘Greatest of All Time,’ boasts a star-studded ensemble cast, including Meenkashi Chaudhary, Prashanth, Sneha, Laila, Prabhu Deva, Jayaram, Mohan, Ajmal, Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh, Vaibhav, Premji Amaren, Aakash Aravindh, among others. The film’s music is composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja. With the first look and title already unveiled, the much-anticipated movie is scheduled for release later this year, generating significant anticipation among Vijay’s fanbase.