Vijay’s blockbuster action drama “Leo,” which initially hit theaters last October during Ayudha Pooja, made its television debut on January 15th as a special Pongal treat for fans. Airing in a prime slot on a popular Tamil television channel, the film garnered widespread attention, with fans expressing their admiration on social media.
Despite its historical success at the box office, fans were left disappointed after watching the edited version of “Leo” on television, and many took to social platforms to share their discontent. The disappointment primarily stemmed from the omission of a lip-lock scene between Vijay and Trisha, a decision made to cater to the audience, particularly children, watching the film on TV.
Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, “Leo” features Vijay and Trisha in the lead roles as a married couple, marking their reunion onscreen after a 15-year hiatus. The star-studded cast includes Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Mysskin, Gautham Menon, Mathew Thomas, and Priya Anand, with Anirudh Ravichander providing the musical score. Despite the edits, “Leo” managed to reclaim the spotlight on social media following its television premiere.