In a significant turn of events, the latest Malayalam blockbuster film, ‘Manjummel Boys’, has garnered widespread attention as it debuts on OTT platforms today, May 5. The survival thriller, directed by Chidambaram, has already captured the admiration of renowned Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey.
Expressing his admiration for the film, Massey proclaimed ‘Manjummel Boys’ as his favorite movie of the year so far. The star-studded cast, including Soubin Shahir, Lal Jr., Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, and Ganapathy, delivered commendable performances that left Massey thoroughly impressed.
In a shared video by the streaming platform, Massey praised the film’s gripping storyline, which is based on a true story, hailing its ability to reignite the spirit of resilience and determination within him.
“This story is an example of friendship, willpower, and persistence,” Massey remarked, emphasizing the film’s captivating visuals and stellar performances that contributed to its blockbuster success.
The film’s global box office collection of Rs 240.59 crore underscores its immense popularity and widespread acclaim.
Critics at ETimes lauded ‘Manjummel Boys’, rating it 4 out of 5 stars and describing it as a remarkable addition to the survival film genre in Malayalam cinema. Director Chidambaram’s adept storytelling, coupled with impeccable cinematography, editing, and performances, has elevated the film to a must-watch status, with its enduring appeal promising repeat viewings.