Bollywood star Wamiqa Gabbi, renowned for her roles in acclaimed films such as ‘VD18’, ‘Kali Jotta’, and ’83’, recently captivated her followers with a series of striking photographs. The actress took to her Instagram account on Sunday to share snapshots of herself adorned in a stunning red saree paired with an elegant strappy blouse.
Accompanying the images was a caption from the ’83’ actress, which read, “If there is a good lawyer in your eyes then tell this Premiqa, I want to take back the control of my heart from someone…..”
Following the post, fans flooded the comments section with praise. One admirer expressed, “You look pretty, you dress well, you act good ….complete package,” while another commented, “Baby jaan leke manegi @wamiqagabbi.” A third user chimed in, “Our premiqa looking pretty as always.”
In terms of her professional endeavors, Wamiqa is set to star alongside Varun Dhawan in an upcoming film titled “Baby John,” directed by Tamil filmmaker Kalees. The movie, which also features Keerthy Suresh, was initially slated for release on May 31st. However, the premiere has been postponed, with the production team eyeing a rescheduled launch sometime in June or July of 2024.