Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli, known as one of Bollywood and cricket’s power couples, happily announced the birth of their second child, a baby boy named Akaay. The couple had managed to keep the pregnancy under wraps, surprising fans with the delightful news shared on Anushka’s Instagram.
The post read, “With immense joy and hearts full of love, we are thrilled to share that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay, Vamika’s little brother, into this world! We seek your blessings and good wishes during this beautiful time in our lives. Kindly respect our privacy at this moment. Love & Gratitude, Virat & Anushka.”
Despite maintaining secrecy about the inspiration behind their son’s name, Akaay, the couple hinted at a profound spiritual connotation. In Sanskrit, the name is interpreted to mean ‘body-less’ or ‘निराकार,’ transcending physical existence. Drawing from the Hindi term ‘kaya,’ which signifies ‘body,’ Akaay holds diverse meanings across cultures, representing elements such as the fire on a funeral pyre or a shining moon in Turkish traditions.
Virat Kohli, known for his dedication to both cricket and family, had previously showcased his commitment in 2021 when he left the Australian Test series after the first match to be present for the birth of his first child with Anushka Sharma.
In 2022, Kohli made a similar decision during the England Test series, initially opting out of the first two matches before withdrawing from the entire series due to personal reasons, with the support of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli, who tied the knot in 2017, celebrated their daughter Vamika’s third birthday on 11 January 2021, adding to the joyous moments in their growing family.