In its thirty-second day since release, Fahadh Faasil’s latest film, “Aavesham,” continues to draw impressive numbers at the box office. On Sunday, May 12th, the film saw a notable surge in footfall, raking in Rs 37 lakh in net collections across India, a significant increase from the previous day’s earnings of Rs 4 lakh. As reported by Sacnilk, the film’s total India net collection has now reached Rs 84.09 crore, with a gross collection of Rs 97.85 crore. Additionally, “Aavesham” has amassed Rs 55 crore from overseas box office sales, bringing its total box office collection to Rs 152.85 crore.
Despite the challenges faced by newly released films in theaters, “Aavesham” continues to perform strongly, often surpassing Rs 15 lakh in daily earnings. The film, set in Bangalore, revolves around the character Ranga, a local gangster with a compassionate side.
Notable personalities from the industry, including actress Keerthy Suresh, have lauded Fahadh Faasil’s performance in “Aavesham.” ETimes, in their review, awarded the film 3.5 out of 5 stars, praising Faasil’s portrayal of Ranga and director Jithu Madhavan’s innovative approach. Known for his previous work in the horror genre with “Romancham,” Madhavan showcases his versatility once again with “Aavesham,” delivering a unique blend of comedy and gangster narrative.