As the new year unfolds, fans of Fate/Samurai Remnant have cause for celebration as the highly anticipated announcement of its inaugural downloadable content (DLC) has been made. Titled “Record’s Fragment: Keian Command Championship,” this expansion is set to make its debut in February 2024. A tantalizing teaser from Koei Tecmo and Omega Force provides a glimpse of exciting new features that await players.
But the excitement doesn’t stop there—brace yourselves for a trilogy of DLCs! Following the February launch, DLC 2 and DLC 3 are slated to enrich the game later in 2024.
For enthusiasts opting to embrace the complete experience, a DLC season pass comes with an exclusive bonus: the coveted Hallowed Relic Sword Mountings, a treasure promising to elevate gameplay.
Since its initial release on September 28 in Japan and the subsequent global release on the following day, Fate/Samurai Remnant has captivated players on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam. The project is overseen by Type-Moon, with collaborative efforts from Aniplex in the production.
Set against the backdrop of the 4th year of the Keian Era in the Edo Period, the game immerses players in a world initially characterized by tranquility, shattered by the impending Holy Grail War. Protagonist Miyamoto Iori, a young resident of Asakusa, unwittingly becomes entangled in the epic battle between seven pairs of Masters and Servants.
Visioned by renowned artist Rei Wataru, recognized for their work on Fate/Grand Order -Epic of Remnant- Pseudo-Singularity III, the characters boast a distinct design sensibility. The compelling storyline is shaped by the expertise of Hikaru Sakurai and Yuichiro Higashide, known for their contributions to Fate/Grand Order.
Further enhancing the game’s allure, the captivating intro video is brought to life by CloverWorks, setting the stage for an immersive journey into this turbulent yet enthralling universe.
With anticipation building for the debut DLC and subsequent expansions, Fate/Samurai Remnant continues to spin a captivating tale within its visually striking and narratively rich world, promising players an adventure of epic proportions.