In a recent in-depth conversation centered around the unprecedented success of the film “Barbie,” acclaimed directors Greta Gerwig and James Cameron explored various facets of the groundbreaking comedy/fantasy. Notably, Gerwig revealed intriguing insights into the portrayal of Ken by Ryan Gosling, disclosing that she and co-writer Noah Baumbach had intentionally written the role with the Canadian actor in mind.
Ryan Gosling, celebrated for his acting prowess and magnetic on-screen presence, garnered widespread critical acclaim for his depiction of Ken in the film.
Gerwig, sharing her thoughts on the film’s triumph, disclosed to Variety that she had not personally met Ryan Gosling but had admired his acting and entertainment talents from a distance. Despite lacking direct interaction, she commended Gosling as a genuinely sincere entertainer, highlighting his humorous yet authentic approach. Gerwig expressed excitement about witnessing the chemistry between Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling during rehearsals, eagerly anticipating the unfolding of the movie based on their performances.
The groundbreaking success of “Barbie,” catapulting it into the coveted $1 Billion club, signaled a paradigm shift in Hollywood norms and trends that had been adhered to for decades by both media houses and celebrities. This triumph ushered in a new era of fresh ideas and creativity, resonating with fans worldwide who exhibited a clear desire for innovative content.
The success of “Barbie” not only disrupted established patterns but also paved the way for others in the industry to explore novel and potentially lucrative concepts that might have otherwise remained unexplored. Mattel, the owners of the Barbie brand, has already unveiled plans for a live-action adaptation of another toy-based character, American Girl.
In the wake of Barbie’s global success, the prospect of a second installment, commonly referred to as “Barbie 2,” is now a plausible and enticing idea.