Amid swirling rumors, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut took to Twitter to vehemently deny allegations of consuming beef. Emphasizing her commitment to a yogic and Ayurvedic lifestyle, she asserted her pride in her Hindu identity. This clarification comes in response to the resurfacing of an old tweet that was misinterpreted by some.
“I don’t consume beef or any other kind of red meat. It is shameful that completely baseless rumours are being spread about me. I have been advocating and promoting a yogic and Ayurvedic way of life for decades now. Such tactics won’t work to tarnish my image. My people know me and they know that I am a proud Hindu and nothing can ever mislead them. Jai Shri Ram,” she wrote on Twitter.
The old tweet in question discussed Kangana’s yogic lifestyle but was misconstrued as endorsing beef consumption. It read, “There is nothing wrong with eating beef or eating any other meat. It’s not about religion! It’s not a hidden fact that Kangana turned vegetarian 8 years ago and chose to be a yogi. She still doesn’t believe in just one religion. On the contrary, her brother eats meat.”
Her recent tweet dispelled such notions, reiterating her vegetarianism and Hindu faith. With her recent foray into politics, Ranaut is amplifying her voice and is contesting from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi Lok Sabha seat.
Reflecting on her journey in the film industry, Kangana highlighted her struggles and expressed pride in her roots despite facing discrimination. Amid her political endeavors, she remains focused on her cinematic ventures, with ‘Emergency’ portraying the life of Indira Gandhi, a film she is also directing.
Meanwhile, on the cinematic front, Kangana will next be seen in ‘Emergency.’ Besides starring in the lead role, she is also directing the movie, which is based on the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
In other news, Alia Bhatt is in talks for a Disney musical, Kangana Ranaut has come out in support of Hema Malini, and Smriti Irani revealed that she refused to audition for ‘Dil Chahta Hai’.