Renowned international singer Ed Sheeran delighted fans in Mumbai with a captivating performance alongside Punjabi sensation Diljit Dosanjh at the Mahalaxmi Race Course Grounds on March 16. Among the attendees was Mira Rajput, wife of Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, who was spotted enjoying the concert with her daughter Misha.
Rajput took to social media to share glimpses of the event, including the electrifying moment when Dosanjh joined Sheeran on stage, much to the delight of the crowd. Videos circulating online captured the dynamic performance of the two artists, with one particularly viral clip showcasing their collaborative rendition of Dosanjh’s hit song “Lover,” igniting a frenzy of dance and excitement among spectators.
The internet buzzed with excitement as fans expressed anticipation for the historic collaboration, praising Sheeran’s ability to captivate audiences with his singing, including in Punjabi, a departure from his usual repertoire. Online viewers lauded the unexpected partnership, with many expressing awe at Sheeran’s seamless adaptation to the Punjabi genre.
Sheeran’s visit to Mumbai also included a memorable encounter with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, during which he received a lesson on the iconic open-arms pose from the King Khan himself. Sharing a video of their meeting on social media, Sheeran expressed gratitude for the opportunity to spread love together with Khan.
The event marked a memorable evening for music enthusiasts in Mumbai, as Sheeran and Dosanjh delivered a performance that left a lasting impression on both live and online audiences alike.