Mollywood’s renowned actor, Mohanlal, recently delighted fans by sharing a captivating snapshot from his visit to Mexico’s San Juan Teotihuacàn. The iconic actor showcased his impeccable style against the backdrop of the Pyramid of the Sun, donning a black cap, stylish sunglasses, and a trendy printed shirt and pants ensemble.
In the accompanying post, Mohanlal humorously wrote, “When the Pyramid of the Sun at Mexico’s San Juan Teotihuacàn takes away the focus…” The picture quickly garnered a flood of comments from admirers expressing their admiration for the legendary actor.
Fans couldn’t help but appreciate Mohanlal’s stylish appearance in the scenic location. One comment amusingly likened him to the “abrahm ‘qureshi’ look,” while another quipped, “Nope, focus is still you,” emphasizing the enduring charisma of the actor.
Aside from sharing his travel experiences, Mohanlal continues to make waves in the cinema world. His latest project, the action-packed drama film ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban,’ co-starring with director Lio Jose Pellissery, is proving to be a success at the box office, having secured over Rs 12 crores in just seven days.
Furthermore, the legendary actor has the highly anticipated ‘L2: Empuraan’ in the pipeline, directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran. This film serves as the second part of the much-loved ‘Lucifer’ series, promising to be another milestone in Mohanlal’s illustrious career.