Two unidentified individuals opened fire outside the Bandra residence of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan early Sunday morning, officials reported. According to local witnesses, the duo, wearing helmets, arrived on a motorcycle and fired at least four shots towards Galaxy Apartment before speeding away on the dimly lit and empty road.
The Mumbai Police released an official statement, saying, “Today at around 5 am, two unidentified people opened fire outside the house of actor Salman Khan in Bandra. Police have received information about 3 rounds of firing. Mumbai Police’s Crime Branch has reached the spot for investigation.” A team from the Bandra Police rushed to Khan’s home to conduct preliminary investigations, and security measures in the area have been increased.
Authorities are currently reviewing CCTV footage from the vicinity to identify the shooters, determine their motives, and gather further details.
Visuals from outside Khan’s residence, released by ANI, showed police and forensic teams on the scene, actively conducting their investigations.
Salman Khan has reportedly been facing threats from certain Punjab-based mafia groups, such as the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Over the past few years, both he and his father, Salim Khan, have received death threats through various means, including letters delivered to the family.