Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor celebrated their second wedding anniversary today, marking two years of marital happiness. Fans flooded social media with wishes for the couple, and among them was a heartfelt message from Ranbir’s mother, Neetu Kapoor.
Taking to her social media account, Neetu Kapoor shared an endearing photo from the couple’s intimate wedding ceremony held on April 14, 2022. In the photo, Alia looked radiant in an orange suit complemented with minimal makeup, while Ranbir opted for a beige ensemble.
Captioning the picture with “blessings” along with a heart emoji, Neetu Kapoor sent her best wishes to the couple on their special day.
On the professional front, Alia Bhatt recently completed the filming of her upcoming project, ‘Jigra’. She is also gearing up to star alongside her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, and Vicky Kaushal in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming film, ‘Love And War’. The film, announced on January 24, is slated for release on Christmas 2025.
Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor has been diligently preparing for his role as Lord Ram in the much-anticipated film ‘Ramayana’. Adopting a significant lifestyle change and embracing a rigorous workout routine, the actor is leaving no stone unturned to portray the iconic character of Lord Ram convincingly. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, filming for the mythological drama commenced earlier this month on an elaborate set in Mumbai’s film city.