In the world of Malayalam cinema, fervent discussions have ignited among enthusiasts following the unveiling of the poster for Soubin Shahir’s upcoming film, ‘Machante Malakha.’ Scheduled for release on June 14, the film has stirred debate online, particularly due to its striking resemblance to Dileep’s recent comedy flick, ‘Pavi Caretaker.’
With an ensemble cast featuring Soubin Shahir, Dhyan Sreenivasan, Dileesh Pothan, and Namitha Pramod, ‘Machante Malakha’ is directed by Boban Samuel. The film’s poster design has prompted conversations about originality and inspiration in the realm of movie promotions.
Interestingly, ‘Pavi Caretaker’ hasn’t been spared from the limelight either. Despite its initial buzz, the film has experienced a dip at the box office, raking in a modest Rs 14 lakhs on its 11th day of release.
The uncanny resemblance between the posters extends beyond aesthetics, with observers noting similarities in character placement and color palette usage for the movie titles.
‘Machante Malakha’ is anticipated to be a light-hearted entertainer, with the motion poster hinting at Soubin Shahir’s portrayal as a KSRTC bus conductor. With music by Ouseppachan and cinematography and editing handled by Vivek Menon and Ratheesh Raj respectively, excitement for the film’s release is palpable among fans.
Penned by Jexson Antony and with a screenplay by Ajeesh P Thomas, ‘Machante Malakha’ boasts a talented supporting cast including Vineeth Thattil, Shanthi Krishna, Manoj K U, and Dileesh Pothen.
This film marks Soubin Shahir’s return to the screen after his venture into the survival thriller genre with ‘Manjummel Boys.’