Today, the parents of the late singer Sidhu Moosewala, Balkaur Singh and Charan Kaur, welcomed a baby boy, as announced by Balkaur Singh on his Facebook account. The joyous occasion was marked with a photo shared by Balkaur Singh, depicting the newborn alongside a cake, with Sidhu Moosewala’s image in the background.
Sources reveal that last year, the couple opted for IVF treatment, and despite their request for privacy a few weeks ago, neither confirming nor denying the news, today’s announcement confirmed the blessed arrival. Sidhu Moosewala, who tragically passed away on May 29, 2022, was the only child of Charan Kaur, 58, and Balkaur Singh, 60.
The post stirred emotions among fans, who flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages and expressions of joy. Supporters expressed sentiments such as “Wow, congratulations, Sidhu 2.0 ❤️Legends never die” and “Finally some ray of happiness for the family after almost 1.5 years of darkness. ❤️”
Others expressed their happiness, writing, “The way he’s holding his son, protecting him. Glad to see he’s a healthy baby boy. Hopefully sardarni is doing well,” and “The best news ever ????????”. This joyous occasion brings a glimmer of hope and happiness to the Moosewala family amidst their loss.